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Fresh Food


My journey from fat to fit.

Welcome to, my very own project where I take you on my journey from fat and unfit to slimmer and fitter, hopefully by the end of 2021. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps will help you begin your own journey as well.

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Day 222: Back Again.

Steps: 13,012. Calories consumed: 1534. Exercise: 34 minute workout video - Team Body Project. Alcohol consumed: 0 Well it feels like I...

Day 199: Short And To The Point.

As it says in the title, this isn't going to be a novel, so don't settle down with a cup of tea. On Saturday I weighed myself, having...

Day 197: A Lovely Day.

A short one for tonight so you don't have to listen to me ramble on about nothing in particular. I quite like writing the 'small blogs...

Day 196: Up and Down.

It has been a couple of days since I ;last reflected on my journey and there have been a few days of ups and downs in terms of exercising...

Day 193: Where Did That Go?

A short one today because I am writing this in the middle of the day and I may find myself drawn to some other aspect of my life that...

Day 192: Looking Forward.

So having had a day off, walked a lot, lost a lot of weight and generally felt much better about myself, I am definitely looking forward...

Day 190: Exercise.

A short post today because I am very tired after a lot of exercising today. I feel great because of it but my muscles are still aching...

Day 189: Forgetfulness.

I am a football fan. Always have been since I can remember. My first memories of football go back to the 70s, when my uncle took us to...

Day 187: A New Start

Today my wife and I joined Team Body Project as premium members (well, one of us did). We did it because the videos are amazing and it is...

Day 186: Enjoying Myself.

For the fifth day in a row (of 62) I have walked over 17,000 steps (18,051 to be precise...but who's counting?) and I am thoroughly...

Day 184: Not Too Fast.

It's a tricky situation coming back to eating right and exercising after you have been off for quite a while. It's even more tricky when...

Day 183: A Returning Desire.

For two days now I have done 17,000+ steps (23,000 steps today) and I am feeling much better for it. I havent been up stupidly early...

Day 182: Getting There.

Although I haven't had the greatest day in terms if watching what I am eating and not exercising, I do feel a lot more relaxed today. I...

Day 181: Carefully

A short post tonight as I have been working and left this a little late and I want to go to bed soon. Having looked and researched and...

Day 180: Cautiously Optimistic

I want to start my blog today by thanking everyone who has been absolutely amazing and shown a huge amount of support on...

Day 177: Still Struggling.

A short post tonight because I am still struggling. I am struggling with energy, I don't have any. I'm struggling with my exercises:...

Day 176: Still Cloudy.

This is a very short post tonight as I completely forgot to reflect on my day. I was too busy watching the Chelsea match and celebrating...

Day 175: Loving Life

A short post tonight, as there isn't really much to say as today has gone by like most days, they all seem to blend into one another like...

Day 174: Staying Strong.

It's been weird going back to school, almost like there is an air of normality to life again. Instead of spending hours in front of a...

Day 173: Lost and Found.

First of all, after quite a long absence, I think I may owe the people that normally read this an explanation. I don't know how long this...

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