For the fifth day in a row (of 62) I have walked over 17,000 steps (18,051 to be precise...but who's counting?) and I am thoroughly enjoying doing it. It gives me time to be outside, time away from the kids, time away from work and also time on my own with the wife. I had missed walking and getting back into it has helped my mental health immensely. The fact that the sun has been out and that I have kept my mind active throughout the day has also helped me move onto the next stage of my 'recovery'.
Today I started back eating properly and watching what I am eating. I haven't gone back to exercising (video exercising) yet, but I am planning on doing that tomorrow, in a very small and controlled way so that I do not burn myself out and also remembering that I probably need to account for the exercising in my calorie intake, so that I am taking in energy for my body as well as trying to lose weight. Watching my calories and doing exercises is going to help me to lose weight, but I am also now beginning to think about what I will do once I am at my goal weight.
One of the things I intend to do is build muscle. Once the weight has finally been shifted, it will then be time to build up my muscle strength and tone so that I am physically healthy and not aching when I try and lift something. My muscles will need to be trained, even from now, and that will need some work and some reading around the issue so that I am doing it properly. I don't want to overdo things or damage muscles because I know that I am not 20, I am approaching 50. Obviously there are individuals out there who look amazing and are even older than me, but they have been doing it for a while and know what to do. I am an amateur and finding the right approach will be crucial for me...just as I am doing now.
I have also kept my mind occupied today by learning as much as I can about literacy in school and how to create a reading culture. It's been amazing and I have learnt a lot and I will be continuing to learn throughout the summer. As literacy coordinator for my school, I have to turn literacy around so that reading and writing and oracy are embedded in our school and the staff are engaged and we are all firing from the same hymn sheet. I have a very enthusiastic member of SLT behind me now, so I am finally getting the backing I need to get things done. So in order to do that I need to become an expert in everything literacy and reading. I am loving it and am exciting at where we are now going with someone as passionate about it as I am.
Although I am enjoying myself, I always have to be careful to remember that I am not fully recovered and that I still have to take things easy. I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, so I have to make sure that I am watching everything I do and make sure that I am not doing too much. I want to keep enjoying the journey so I have to keep making sure that the things I do are enjoyable and not a chore. I will listen to my body this time.
I hope you have all had a great day too and that you are looking forward to another week ahead. I am about 6lbs gained from a couple of weeks ago, so I have my target to reach still, which is to get under 12 stone. It will take a few weeks, but I am ok with that. Step by careful step, I'll get there in the end.
And so, until tomorrow - stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.