Good morning and welcome to the start of an experiment...blogging in the morning whilst doing remote learning. I feel that this is an ideal way to continue blogging before I have to sit at a screen for the next 12 hours teaching and marking and all the other teachery bits I have to do. SO let's start with an update.
For those of you of little faith and thought that my lack of blogging was because I had derailed again, let me assure you that that is not the case, I have lost about 8lbs since I was last blogging and I continue to stay on track. My exercises have had to take a back burner for the last two weeks because of a glut (bum) injury, which has caused a hamstring injury, so at the moment I am simply walking 5k every day instead. I am now 13 stones and 8lb, so moving steadily downwards from 14 stones and 2lbs, which is where I started from a month or so ago.
I haven't the foggiest what day I am on into this, so I have simply started from where I left off - which is good in a way because it looks like I lost a lot of weight in a very small amount of time, which will hopefully win me a few more views...not that I am doing this for the views of course, merely a reflection of where I am, what I am doing, where I am going and what it's like trying to get there.
To be honest I didn't realise how utterly mentally exhausting sitting in front of a screen all day would be. By the end of each day I literally want to throw my laptop in the bin and never see one again. My average phone use time has gone from about 3-4 hours a day, to about 20 minutes a day. I would usually get home from school and play a game, check my texts, emails, play another game, go on to facebook, check twitter, do some marking and planning, go back on my phone - but now more. My phone is reeling from the lack of use. Unfortunately it has also affected my blogging because I do not want to spend any more time than I have to in front of a screen; I literally cannot even stand the thought of sitting for another 45 minutes whilst I write about my day and my diet and exercises...once I finish for the day (school wise), I close my laptop and do not go near it again (this is about 6pm).
So what have I been doing, eating, exercise etc? It's a good question.
In terms of eating I am doing, what can only be described as an amalgamation of LCHF and eat less move more. So I am eating things high in good fats - nuts, bacon, eggs (eggs, really?), but also having the occasional carbtastic breakfast, such as muesli or crumpets, maybe a yoghurt etc. I have cut fruit and veg from the food I add to my food monitoring app, because fruit is normally free in every diet regime (slimming world, weight watchers etc) going. It may mean that I lose the weight a little slower, but I can live with that because, if I get peckish or have a craving, I either drink water or eat fruit/veg. takes away that pang of hunger and I don't feel like I have cheated at all. Plus, as I have mentioned, I am losing the weight and so I can't be going that wrong.
In terms of exercise, I have been continuing my Team Body Project workouts because they focus on the whole body, with different aspects of resistance, cardio and core. I have given up the stretching at the minute whilst I find a better regime to follow, because my research suggests that I have probably been doing them for too small an amount of time to get any benefit from them, my gluteus maximus, medius and minimus all attesting to this. I am also running again, or at least I was before my bum strain, and I will be again once I am mended. I have learnt to listen to my body and I am slowly, grudgingly admitting to the fact that I am no longer 24, so will not heal as quickly as I did when I was that age. I have to take it slowly, so that is what I am going to do. I have also not touched alcohol in two weeks, I am getting my taste for beer from Heineken Non-Alcoholic lager which, at 21 calories a can, tastes exactly like lager but without the sleepless nights or the huge amounts of calories. Plus the fact that I still only have them when I am watching my beloved Leicester City play and this means I don't even drink that very much.
My motivation remains high and, with my wife keeping me going and, with me keeping her going, life is good.
I will obviously apologise now for those people who normally read my posts, that there will still probably be times and days when I stop again, my enthusiasm for blogging, at the moment, depends on the screen fatigue I have and whether I can face another 45 minutes in front of this...but I will always be back and I will try and make sure that I do blog regularly, to keep you informed of my daily struggle, and it is a struggle, and how I am managing to overcome it, with maybe one or two tips that you could try with your journey.
Hopefully you are now all up to date on where I am on my journey, and also up to date on where I am weight wise and exercise wise and eating wise (my, aren't I an owl). It is time now to stop and get on with the important, and very tedious, job of marking work and teaching lessons. I hope you are all staying strong and being well, both physically and mentally.
Have a great day, and I will hopefully see you all tomorrow.
Thanks for reading.