I am a football fan. Always have been since I can remember. My first memories of football go back to the 70s, when my uncle took us to see Leicester V Newcastle and seeing a bloke called Kevin Keegan score for them but running out eventual winners 2-1. I jumped up when everyone else did and was happy on the way home but had no idea why. It was my first experience of football and I have had a love of it since then. So at the moment I am in an almost football heaven. Every day there is football on and this has taken over my evenings. There is always a match at 6pm and 8.15pm. Afterwards I normally speak at length with my step son about the game and the nuances of decision making - especially when Leicester City or Liverpool play. Unfortunately the side affects of this are a forgetfulness.
Every day I mean to sit down and write my blog, to go through my day and look at how good or bad I have been. I think about it throughout the day, about what I will write about, whether or not I am repeating myself and not really reflecting - it's a time consuming business blogging! There is a saying that Heaven is lined with good intentions and I am sure there is a case for that here - but in reality I am simply forgetting because my mind, at the moment, is so full of football. It's no excuse, but it is a little hint that, over the next two weeks I may, occasionally forget to blog. Don't take this that I am in any way stopping my journey, or slacking in the things I am doing, I am not. In fact, I've decided to do this in the morning so that I won't forget. My mind is as far from football in the morning as it can get.
So where am I in terms of my journey. As I have already talked about, I had a flux day yesterday. An almost day off, but not quite. I added 300 calories and did more exercise than I would normally do - aka about 18,000 steps and two 15 minute runs. I also used up the calories of those runs too. This will hopefully, following the advice of those on healthunlocked.com will hopefully help me to retain muscle mass. Obviously I need to do resistance training also to make sure that I am building muscle at the same time, but this will hopefully stop any more burnout.
Talking of burnout, the effects now seem to have c gone completely. I have found ways to lower my carb intake (but I am NOT going LCHF because I like carbs, I'm just lowering them) and some absolutely delicious recipes that I will be trying and have tried. I am regularly exercising again, a programme on TBP and running and resistance training. I am also doing well in terms of steps towards my 1 million step challenge - although I think I will get there before the end of the two months. So far I have managed 158,647 steps in 8 days, which I think is god going. Completing the steps/walking has also had a great effect on my mental health also, as it is getting me outside and away from the prison of my four walls; and sometimes it really does feel like a prison.
Today is going to be similar in terms of exercise and walking, I need to maintain the routine I have so that I don't need motivation in order to do it. I am looking forward to the football tonight and I am also looking forward to running again - I may even go further than I did yesterday and try for the full 5k in one go rather than in two goes. I think I can definitely do it as the two runs yesterday in no way made me feel worn out, exhausted or out of breath and I was running for about 15 - 20 minutes each time. I am feeling stronger each day and more confident with each workout and run I do. I also received my new trainers yesterday, so like a kid in a candy store (to quote a famous American idiom) I am itching to try them out and so the first order of business after I have finished this is to go out for a run. Yes, it's raining, but rain is the lifeblood of this planet and so will do me no real harm except becoming a little wetter.
So that was yesterday and my intentions for the day today. I am, as always, determined and driven to do well and overcome as many obstacles as I can. I want to do a lot of research on literacy and reading today to help with my school action plan for the implementation of a whole school literacy drive, so that is where the majority of my mental energy will be residing today. I also have a boom I want to read and marking and feedback on work submitted by the kids - oh, and homeschooling our children also. So lots on and lots to keep me busy in-between workout sessions.
I hope that you all enjoy your day and that you manage to continue your journey with a passion and drive that will see you through to your end goal.
Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.