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Day 187: A New Start


Today my wife and I joined Team Body Project as premium members (well, one of us did). We did it because the videos are amazing and it is such a helpful way of watching your weight and looking at nutrition. There are recipes and programmes and books on nutrition and watching what and how much we eat. There is advice on the psychology of diets, weight loss, eating and what to eat to make sure that you do not lose muscle mass as well as weight. The book that comes with it is about 177 pages long, so it will take me some time to get through all of it...but I do have an awful lot of that at the moment.

I also took their standard fitness test today so that they could sort out a plan specifically for me and, it turns out, I am rather fit (in the non-vain, cardio fit way). I have spent a while looking through their website and the hundreds of video workouts they havre and am really looking forward to getting back into exercises. I will work my way through the accompanying book, as their is a lot of technical science stuff about eating and ensuring that I don't lose muscle as well as fat. The one interesting thing I have found out so far is that I need to have two 'off' days during the week, with the midweek one being combined with a little bit more exercise to target fat loss and not muscle mass loss.

A always I have done my 17,000+ steps again today and I have really enjoyed going out in the sunshine and, for a lot of the day, wind too. I don't know what it is about a blustery day that makes the sunshine seem better, but somehow it does. We have some woods near to us that is a real wildlife area that looks a lot smaller than it actually is. When you get inside there are tracks that go off in every direction and it can take you about an hour to explore the whole site...something that, should you look at it from the outside, you would find impossible to believe. But it is wonderful in there and you can get lost in the trees and birdsong and the chatter of insects and the rustle of the leaves. Plus, it now being summer, the whole of the vegetation has grown and it's hard to see through in some places and you can almost imagine yourself in another world. And right on our doorstep in the middle of a city.

There has also been the normal, every day life things I have done during the day, cleaning, shopping, washing, work...and they also help to keep you going and keep you occupied, especially when everyone else around the country is beginning to ease the lockdown, going to pubs and enjoying going to see other people. We, in Leicester, are still only travelling for essentials and staying in as much as possible. I still have a few more things left to do for work tonight, which I will be doing once I finish this, but other than that I am now done for the day. I want to get a bit of reading and writing done before I go to bed (other than this) and then I will go to bed.

I didn't have the best of sleeps last night, I don't know why but I didn't. Maybe it's because I am so full of ideas and energy that I am finding it hard to turn off? Who knows? maybe I will start doing mindfulness again and see if I can use that to relax a little bit before I go to bed. The trouble is, is that work has enthused me again and it has been a while since that has been the case so I am reading and thinking of strategies and then reading some more and writing ideas down and thinking of more does become hard to switch off.

So tomorrow I'll start my exercises again. Slowly but surely building myself up and making sure that I am eating well and eating the right things so that I am maintaining muscle mass but also losing weight. I am excited and looking forward to it. I am happy and motivated and enjoying myself...I hope that you are too.

Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.

Thanks for reading.




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