So here I am, at day 2. No picture because there is no change from yesterday! Still motivated, but what did I expect? What I didn't expect was for day 1 to be so hard to get through. I had forgotten that I had drunk a lot of alcohol the night before (well, it was New Year's Eve) and the inevitable downer made not eating crap and drinking again harder than I expected it to be. Oh, I wasn't perfect, but then I didn't expect to be. I'm easing into this, to make my diet healthy over time and give myself time to adjust, so that I don't fall into the traps I laid out in blog 1. two has been a good day. I still haven't had a drop of alcohol, which is good (because the alcohol was the main problem, weight wise) and I've been out to see a friend I haven't seen in an age. Again, instead of meeting at the local for a pint, we met in the city centre for a coffee. We chatted, made plans for a further meet up and I enjoyed the day.
I arrived home to the rest of the house in a cleaning frenzy, so I had to join in, and then after a relatively healthy dinner, I walked to the shop to buy milk with the wife.
I have had cravings today, and I have had a pudding after my dinner (with custard) and I have had bread, but wholegrain bread and I have watched my portion sizes. My main aim is not to eat excessively, and that's what I am maintaining. I would find it so easy to keep eating, even after I am hungry, but what's the point. I simply think about whether I need to eat or whether I am simply bored, or thirsty. Joining the NHS Health Unlocked has helped, with lots of communities going through the same things as me, but also reading sites like, with lots of great ideas about how to beat cravings and which foods to eat and why.
However, my biggest win today was just before dinner. My wife had set the table and then made herself a gin and tonic, something that always 'persuades' me that I will have a beer. Although I was tempted, I quickly switched the kettle on and made myself a cup of tea before the real craving could overtake me, because once you slip up it is so much harder not to slip again...especially this early on.
So today has been a good day: not as many cravings, walked about 12,500 steps and will get on with running at some point this week so that I become even fitter, making sure I don't overdo it and injure myself. Well, I am nearer 50 than 40.
I am proud of myself so far, even if it is only two days. But I have to remember that this is a long slog and I am sure that later blogs will be showing days that are far harder and with more cravings and finding temptation harder to resist. But, for now, I'm enjoying it and will find ways to continue to enjoy the journey I am on.
I hope you will continue to share it with me.
Thank you for reading. See you tomorrow.