Another day on my road to a healthy lifestyle has been good and not so good. I have tried to make sure that I don't eat loads ordering loads and, from that perspective, I have done relatively well. I have had two bottles of beer, which isn't great because I wanted to limit myself to one a day, if I wanted one. I have also tried to limit the amount of junk I eat during the day, and on this score I have managed quite well, eating only at meal times. I do think that I am possibly having too many carbs during the day though, especially considering I am in lockdown and so exercise isn't great.
However, I have managed to go for a very long walk with the dog and the family (making sure we all are following social distancing) and so have wracked up a good 13000+ steps today. This is good because I have obviously done other things that have raised my heart rate but not necessarily added to my step count, such as cleaning the front room and other things around the house.
My routine today has also consisted of doing a lot of reading (although no work reading today as it is the weekend), continuing to write my novel, spending time in the garden with the wife, having some me time and watching episode 4 of the Madalorian on Disney+. So altogether I have had a pretty good day and have filled it with enough to keep me going mentally as well as physically.
That doesn't mean to say that life is exceptional and that I don't have to keep watching out for my mental and physical health, obviously I do, which is why I am up and writing this again and making sure that I have a routine that I stick to. However, being in such close proximity to the same people all the time means I also have to watch out that we don't kill each other. So making sure that we communicate has been another stepping stone this week, ensuring that I am constantly talking to my wife and telling her how I am feeling but also making sure that I am listening to how she feels also.
Lastly, I know that I have to weigh myself this week, so it will be tomorrow - as this is something I am dreading. The last time I did, the world was normal and I was 2lbs away from 12 stone 13lbs, a milestone for me because it would have been the first time that I was under 13 stone in a long time. I know I am going to have put on weight, I just need to make sure that I am taking it off from this point through the work that I am doing and the routines I have set up over the last few days. But we will see.
As a final statement, in these crazy and unique times we are living in, it is so nice to have a home and a family and friends and also your good selves that read this. Some people have nothing. So please look out for each other, stay at home and stay safe. There are lots of ways to do this whilst remaining in a state of sanity and I am just a comment away if you yourself needs help or motivation.
Until tomorrow, thank you for reading.
Stay strong, stay safe.