Wow. A lot has happened since I last reflected on my decision to lead a healthier life. My daughter has had her exams cancelled, my job has become an online learning environment, I'm in lockdown, I can't go nearer than 2 metres to anyone who isn't living in my house, Boris Johnson has become Prime Minister and people are dying because of a new virus - Covid 19.
I have had to deal with a distraught daughter- who had been revising and preparing for her exams, only to have them snatched away. Everyone is scared and we still have to be at work, caring for the kids whose parents need to be at work.
Therefore my mind hasn't really been on the whole healthy lifestyle and reflection. But I realise now that this is now an important part of my day and my life. I have to hold on to routines and some semblance of normality. This is why I have decided to start my blog again and go back to as much normality as I can.
I have to be honest, since returning from France, the hectic and often tension ridden life I have been leading has meant I'd almost given up being healthy. I had begun drinking again, eating a lot of crisps and doing little or no exercise and this has to stop. I was, and am, using the current crisis as an excuse for returning to my previous life and this has to stop.
More than ever now, becoming healthy is no longer an option, it's a necessity. If I don't continue down the healthy route, with no work to do and no exercise I am a ticking time bomb in terms of weight and a potential heart attack. And I have too many responsibilities and dependants to be that selfish.
I am sorry to those who have been following me, that I have been away for so long, but please rest assured that I am back and my reflections on my journey will now continue. God knows I have the time now.
So with that in mind, and with days and weeks of uncertainty ahead of us, let's keep out goals in mind and our destinations in front of us so that we can keep a little sense of direction in our own lives at this time of upheaval and disorder.
Stay safe. Stay strong and thank you for reading.