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Day 62: Stairway to a Fail.


Another short blog from me tonight I am afraid. I need to catch up with marking and this is taking up all of my time at the moment.

Today has been relatively bad for me. When I say relatively, obviously I mean I ate at Macdonalds this evening and haven't really done much exercise: 12,722 steps. Not great from a person who is trying to lose weight and knows that he will be marking and doing little in the evenings. The family went as a treat and I joined in. I can't even say that I only had this or I only had that, I had a lot and I feel fat again. Thankfully, I hate this feeling and this will spur me on to not do this again. I simply have to etch this feeling into my mind and ensure it doesn't happen again.

I am very tired this as a whole really. I was up until 12.45am this morning marking and then got up at my usual 4.30am, so I was already placing myself in the position of eating what I have today before the day had even started. I then forgot to take the right humous, which was out of date and so only had vegetable sticks for lunch and also forgot my fruit, which meant I had very little to eat throughout the day: another reason I'd set myself up for the MacDonalds.

When I look back on my day I can see the pieces of the jigsaw falling into place and setting up the major fail in my journey. This is why I love reflecting on my day - I can see the mistakes, the build up, the reasons for the things that happen. Now I know what not to do. If I do have to stay awake until stupid O'Clock, then I need to ensure I have something that will keep me going and not make me a weak willed muppet...which is how I feel.

To be fair, it was a spur of the moment thing, but I need to be able to resist these spurs if I want to get to the weight and lifestyle I want to lead. I want to see my daughter marry, gain her degree, have grandkids and retire and do things that are not work related. If I want to do this stuff, I need to be healthier. I am intending to go to bed at a reasonable time tonight and make sure that I am fresh and on it tomorrow. I haven't counted the calories, but then they don't natter. The amount of fat in a MacDonalds is too much and I need to not eat that stuff. It isn't healthy!

I am in control of me and what I eat and I need to make certain that I make the right choices. I want to lose the two pounds I need this week to have lost a stone since the beginning of my journey. That is my goal for the week and that is what I intend to do!

Thanks for reading.

Stay strong. Stay honest.




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