Another busy day and another short blog. Probably a good idea to get used to short ones over the coming weeks or two, as I am extremely far behind with my marking and need to catch up so that I can slow down a little. It is exhausting and it is all my own fault for not using half-term to do more marking...but hey ho. You suffer the consequences of your actions, whether those consequences are positive outcomes or a lot more marking.
Today I have completed 17,000+ steps, so a good amount of walking to keep me on track. Breakfast was the same as usual, yoghurt and fruit. Lunch today was a sandwich with a banana, an orange and an apple, which kept me going nicely until the end of the day. Dinner was a jacket potato with cheese and beans, with salad and mackerel with another yoghurt and fruit for pudding. Possibly the amount of fruit I am eating is not going to be doing me teeth much good, but then thank god for toothpaste!
The dog has been loving me again today, three long walks to keep me on the exercise path, although I haven't managed to get back to the gym today, nor does it look like I will do at any point tomorrow either, as I won't get back from school until 8pm. I am determined to get back at some point this week, though!
One positive thing I have notices recently is that my stomach is beginning to shrink. Not so noticeably that I can see it straight away, but it's still there, in the background saying, "I'm leaving...keep going!" I think I posted a picture of my big belly and moobs at the beginning of this journey; perhaps I will take another one soon and do a side by side collage shot to see if I can see a difference. I'm sure there will be!
More marking to do now, which is keeping me mentally alert so uses a few more calories and I n=intend to finish at 10pm, which means there won't be much more time for marking, but I'll get a few done and then I can at least say I've made a bit more of a dent, with the ones I did before writing this and the couple I have done after.
Another busy day tomorrow, but hopefully a few more pieces will be marked and I'll be a little closer to my goal of completion...and of being a little more healthy.
Thanks for reading.
Stay strong. Stay honest.