Today has been a good day in terms of exercise and eating. Although I have had a couple of biscuits and a packet of baked crisps, I have mainly stayed on track and I have also done 21,000 steps (well, almost 21,000 but I'll get there before I go to bed.
It is a lot harder during a day when you have more than one free period because, unless you have something really specific that occupies your time over those hours, your mind wanders to food: mainly due to boredom or thirst, I think, but it does wander. however, the Workweek Hustle has helped a lot because it has meant that I have had to keep on walking to try and stay ahead of the competition. the last time I did it, I was way out in front for all of it. However, this time there are two rivals that are constantly snapping at my heals and Fitbit has been reminding me to keep going or I will be passed and moved into second place. And I don't do second place.
I have had carbonara for dinner tonight, with broccoli, peas and mushrooms. No garlic bread, as the pasta and sandwich I had for lunch are enough carbs for the day. I have also taken the dog out twice today, racking up 6,000+ of the 21,000 steps because of it. However, the best part was that I completed the second run of the Couch to 5K. I was tired at the end and I could feel myself slowing right down on the warm down brisk walk...but I kept going and hopefully this will keep me on track to lose the 4lbs that I want to lose this week.
I am not starving myself and am eating regularly and this is helping to keep hunger cravings at bay. Tea is also a great way for me to stop the cravings, as we all know that most of the time it is thirst, not hunger that creates cravings.
I now have a couple of hours to catch up on some marking so that I can go into half term with as little marking as I can possibly get away with. Exams are fast approaching and so the marking and preparation will become much more intense. Because of this, my blog posts will probably get shorter, the nearer to May and June we get. I don't know who is more nervous at this point, them or me?
So that is my day. A very good day and I am still loving the motivation that reflecting on my healthy life is giving me. It also helps that I know people are reading this and hopefully it is helping you to continue to be motivated also. If it is helping or if you are enjoying following my journey, please feel free to subscribe. If you have a blog, please let me know in the comments section so that I can subscribe to yours also and help to motivate you and find hints and tips that you have found.
Thanks for continuing to read about my journey.
Stay strong. Stay honest.