Well its the day after the day before and I am back on it with a vengeance.
This morning I didn't really fancy breakfast so I saved it for later. Instead I had a banana and made sure that my lunch was in my bag ready to take to school so that I couldn't forget it. I woke up with as much determination as I went to bed with last night. I always like waking up and feeling motivated, it sets the day up to be positive. And that has pretty much what today has been.
Last night I read a blog somewhere, I can't remember where, but essentially the lady who wrote it went for 5 weeks without sugar. Allegedly she stopped having headaches, had more energy and didn't have the afternoon slump, something I can definitely empathise with. However, I then realised that, when I am really eating healthily that I, also, do not have that mid afternoon slump and my energy levels are way better than when I am eating junk. We...Duh! I hear you say. And it is obvious I know, but it's only when you go through the whole afternoon without feeling drowsy that you realise that you have done it.
In other words, sometimes you don't realise until you realise. This has happened a number of times without my understanding. Bending down to tie shoelaces without having to suck in my gut or hold my breath; doing up my trousers without the same process; going a whole day without being tired: it all mounts up. My stomach has shrunk too...although I still see the same fat person with moobs that I did before and I don't think that that will change any time soon.
Nevertheless, today I am back on it and am extremely happy and positive and motivated to carry on. I have eaten only healthy food (ok, I had two Bourbon biscuits earlier) and have had no alcohol and walked 14,884 steps so far. This is a far better start to the week than last week. I plan to do the couch to 5k runs this week too, so that I can get a little more exercise in and I had my breakfast (a round of toast) when I got in from school to shut down the cravings I was beginning to get because I was hungry.
I have also joined the workweek hustle again and this will give me added impetus to walk more and get more steps in. Hopefully I will beat my step count from last week and top the 90,000+ steps I did last week. With the extra running I am going to do, I should do.
So here's to feeling motivated again, to a reenergised self and to 4lbs that I am going to lose this week no matter what. Can't wait for Saturday morning to step on the scales and see the 13 stone 0 lbs on the reading because, after that, I am in to 12 stone something...and how amazing is that?
Thanks for reading.
Stay strong. Stay honest.