Weight: 13 stone 12lb.
I am a pound lighter than I was on January the first and I have continued to blog and share my journey. This is mainly so I can keep reflecting on my own progress and own my own journey to a fitter, healthier, leaner me. And, on the way, learn some lessons.
So what have I learned so far? I have learnt that in my analysis of what has stopped me in the past and my preparations to confront them as and when they pop up, I missed one incredibly important one: peer pressure.
Now, you would think that, at 46 years old, peer pressure would be a small needly thing I could simply brush off, and this is what I thought until yesterday.
Sitting with friends and family I was offered a beer and, as everyone else was having one, I accepted. I had another two over the night and also ate a chinese takeaway. This was my choice because I could have said no. However, being with lots of other people doing the same and getting looks and 'oh go on, one won't hurt' still works...it seems.
Therefore this is something I now have to actively watch out for. I need to make sure that I am polite but firm in my refusal, knowing that, if they love me and respect me, they'll accept my polite declination and move on. Those that don't, don't deserve my friendship. Those are the ones to be wary of because they need me to enable them to have one, to eat more, to have something I don't want.
Peer pressure is still as real at 46 as it was at 15. It may be done differently, it may be more subtle and whispered, but it's still there.
I will be watching and waiting for it next time. I will be prepared and be armed. I have to take charge of me and make decision that are best for me, not to help enable those that can't do their thing without me.
Keep going. Stay strong.
Thanks for reading.