Only a very short blog tonight because I am a little down. My wife has covid symptoms and has had a test to determine if she has it so, for the first time since we have been sharing our life, I am now sleeping in the same bed as my wife. It's horrible not being able to touch or hug or kiss her and also know that, should she have it, my daughter is highly vulnerable and I have to make sure that she doesn't catch it or she could die. never have I been so afraid.
But I remain positive and hope for a negative result.
On a positive, I have stuck almost rigidly to plan and not eaten rubbish today apart from a packet of crisps. I have exercised and I have stretched. I have also spent almost 9 hours in front of a screen doing home learning and marking. I want this to be over and for life to get back to normal where I actually teach in front of students, not in front of a screen.
Screen fatigue is a very real thing.
That's all for tonight, keep safe and stay strong.
Thanks for reading.