It's friday again. Phew. And...relax.
Today has been a great day. Not only is it the end of the week, but I went to see the Watoto Choir perform at Hinkley Baptist Church. They are doing a world tour and everywhere they go they sell out. And after watching them tonight, I can see why. Brilliant does not, I think, even come close to describing how good they are.
They are all from 3 villages in Uganda and their mission is to help children and mothers who have been abandoned or are, in some way, highly vulnerable, and educate them and work with them through their church.
Each year they do a tour to raise funds to help the children, the mothers and the surrounding community to get back on their feet, to become better parents and citizens and to make their community a better place to live.
Throughout the concert the children were smiling and enjoying themselves, were telling their stories and the adults were explaining to the audience about their mission. Some of the adults were the success stories, having been abandoned and raised in the church community and become mentors and teachers themselves to the new children.
The songs were amazing, the dancing was awesome, the message was clear: these children need our help. And because I'm becoming a healthier person, I also want a healthier conscience.
So my wife and I have decided to sponsor a Watoto child so that we can give back, in some small way, to someone who never asked for the life they've been dealt, for the trauma they've had and then to show gratefulness and resilience against all the odds in order to become the amazing people I saw tonight. It was simply astonishing.
So I shall be giving back. My wife will be giving back. I am so lucky in the things that I have, that seeing the children tonight made me extremely emotional and made me realise the privilege we have here in the first world. Never has the phrase 'first world problems' been shown to me in such stark imagery. And I am grateful for it.
If you would also like to sponsor a Watoto child, the website is here: https://www.watoto.com
Tonight I have been becoming healthier in spirit and it feels great. However, I've also done 21,000+ steps too, so that also feels great!
Thanks for reading.
Stay strong. Stay honest.