A very short blog.
I am disappointed with myself today. I did so well until the evening.
I had exercised and stretched and walked four miles and then, in the evening when I realised I had forgotten to take the chicken from the freezer, I went and had a takeaway. I am not proud of myself and I am feeling down.
I have fallen a lot over the last year but I was determined I was not going to have a takeaway this month. Still, I'll stand again tomorrow. I'll pick myself up, dust myself off and start again.
I don't, I realised, actually even like takeaways anymore.
I suppose the one good thing is that I am still beer free. No beer has touched my lips this month and that is one thing I will not be changing.
Here is to not giving in, eating healthily and exercising.
Tomorrow, there is no excuse.
Thanks for reading.