As the title suggests, it seems that in my rush to be healthy and exercise I think I may be losing my memory. I jest, of course, I am simply talking of the fact that, for the third day on the trot, I have skipped meals. This time I didn't even realise I had skipped them.
Having woken early, had a cup of tea, did all the other morning jobs, walked the dog, I did my exercises and then my stretches followed by the shower. I then decided to shave my head (being bald has its bonuses, especially in terms of the amount of money I save at the hairdressers), did some work and then went to school, to take over, at 12pm, from the previous teachers.
It was only whilst sitting and marking work submitted online that I realised I hadn't actually eaten breakfast or lunch. I remember that I had had a protein bar just after my exercises, but that was the amount of food I had by 1pm, which is when I realised. The funny thing is that i was not hungry until I got home, but by then I had already talked to myself and knew why I was hungry and I also knew that my dinner would not be long, so I waited and had a quick banana to keep away the hunger pangs.
Heaven knows how I managed to forget two whole meals, but there it is. However, I am proud of myself that I still didn't eat rubbish or stuff myself once I got home. It was not a sensible thing to do and I won't skip meals if I can help it, and neither should anyone, but certainly, this time round, everything feels different. I feel like I have turned a corner and this time I will make it.
Tomorrow I am going to make sure that all my meals are taken and eaten when they are supposed to be eaten and I will be making sure of that. I have managed to get away with it so far, but if I keep forgetting then it will definitely catch up with me...and that is not something I want.
I am looking to the future with positivity and determination. I hope that you are too. Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay healthy.
Thanks for reading.