Today is Saturday and that means a day off calorie counting. This time I have taken a different route though. Instead of eating and drinking everything in sight as I normally would on my days off, I have tried to eat like a person who is fit, healthy and slim...and wants to stay that way.
Therefore I had a protein rich breakfast - egg, bacon and sausage. I had a cup of coffee and a piece of cake for my lunch as I still felt full by lunchtime and finally I had some nibbles, bread and cheese, some onion rings, potatoes. I am having bread and butter pudding for dessert and a small whisky to round my night off. This, instead of 6 beers, cream cakes, 7 packets of crisps throughout the day, lunch as well as cake etc etc. The way I ate today was nice and healthy (I also had water instead of beer, fruit and lots of veg and salad). There were no extremes today but I still ate without thinking about calories, somewhere I want to be once I finish losing weight and go on to maintaining.
The good thing about not stuffing myself full of everything and drinking the entire off-license is that I am looking forward to getting back on it tomorrow. Because I haven't over indulged, continued my exercises, my stretches and did extra (a 4 mile walk), I feel that I can carry on without the cravings that were so prevalent last week. Am even going to be ordering some running shoes tomorrow as, if I continue to lose weight, I'll start running again in the next few weeks.
I feel much more confident this time and a lot more experienced. In a way I am almost glad that I went back to my original weight and more, it's taught me a lot and I have a lot to be thankful for about the entire experience moving forwards.
So here is to moving forward and that all our journeys are productive.
Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.