Standing doing ironing all day seems like an easy day, but I can tell you from experience it isn't. Managed my exercises and stretches, managed 15,000 steps and a day of ironing. I do love ironing, it's really soothing and it gives you an excuse to watch tv all day. My muscles feel like they have been beaten with a stick, especially my legs and bum, but that's what comes of starting back exercising and not allowing yourself the option of not doing it.
Had a lovely roast dinner, sausage and bacon and egg for breakfast, a few beers (well something had to give) and an education secretary that seems to think that primary school teachers (and children) should be sacrificed for the greater good, much to my and my wife's annoyance. Apparently I'm going to be trained up to give covid test...or at least that's what they think. Without adequate PPE I won't be doing any of that.
I hope that your day was as good as mine and that you are enjoying the latter part of the holidays. We, in Leicester, are going to be enjoying our last part of the holidays in tier 4.
Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.