I love walking. I love the way it lets you slow down, take things in, think and all whilst exercising. Earlier in the year I was regularly walking with my wife for a couple of hours a day, going to different places and wandering round well trodden paths. This evening I walked for about 45 minutes and this morning my wife and I walked, as much as we could because of the flooding, around Derwent Water, which is a beautiful place in Leicestershire and normally a love walk. We didn't do much walking 'around' as the flooding had blocked the majority of paths, but we still managed a good 30 minutes (I know it's not a lot) before returning home - partly due to flooding, partly to do with there being no public conveniences open.
During each of the walks I had today, I noticed how much energy and how out of breath I was. I couldn't believe the same person who had run 2 miles a day throughout the whole of October, was now out of breath when walking for 30 minutes or 45.
It has been a wake up call in a way, that not only have I gradually put all the weight on that I lost over the first half of the year, but my fitness levels have also plummeted to levels I don't like. Even at my fattest last year I was still taking the dog out regularly. I know that it's partly due to the weight being on again, too much alcohol and not enough exercise, but it has still shocked me and made me that little bit more determined to get back on it...even if I have to do it gradually.
I am still stretching every morning and have been for a week. The next stage is to start exercising again and that is going to start from tomorrow. The getting rid of the beer and healthy eating will start again on Monday. 3 stages, 3 weeks.
I know I should do the healthy eating and getting rid of the beer sooner, but I also know it is the Christmas holidays and soon it will be new years eve, so I will be drinking and eating a lot, as I've planned for this. I'm being pragmatic. Oh, and I am back to blogging every day to, so there is another positive.
To be fair, I've not eaten unhealthily today or drank much, as well as the walking, so it has been a good day. I love walking ans today has reminded me that I need to get back to walking regularly, as well as doing a little more.
Until tomorrow, I hope your walks are pleasant and your days are full of happiness and joy. Stay strong.
Thanks for reading.