A very short one today because of how little time I have - the hint is in the title.
I found out a couple of interesting things today. I had, again, made the cardinal sin of forgetting my lunch so decided to have a steak bake from the canteen. I didnt have time to eat it at break so I left it on my desk whilst I taught, with some serviettes underneath it.
By the end of the lesson, during the change over, I decided to have it. I lifted the bake, still in its packaging, from the desk and off the serviettes and, quite literally, they were soaked in fat.
Now I've had quite a few of these before and have eaten them as soon as I have bought them, so I felt more than a little sick at how much fat had actually leaked off the pie, through the packaging and into the serviette. That was not something I wanted to eat...so in the bin it went and I shall not be purchasing pie related items from my school canteen again any time soon.
I also learnt today that, because I am feeling positive about myself and my self-image, I'm beginning to find the journey exciting and enjoyable. This, in turn, is helping to stay on track. I find myself, when I have the time, looking at the skinny people walking past and knowing that I will be there soon. I have even given myself the promise of a treat when I meet my target weight to keep me motivated...a new suit.
Here is to eating food I've prepared myself instead of very fatty canteen food! Long may I abstain.
Thanks for reading.
Stay strong. Stay honest.