I knew that this Christmas holiday I would be eating and drinking, as it is the holiday season and this has been the crappest year I have ever been alive. Although, admittedly, 2016 and 2006 also rank up there in the top three of crap years.
I haven't walked a lot today, but I am building up by making sure I continue to write these blogs and I am doing 10 minutes of stretches every morning. I really didn't want to do it this morning, but I am not giving myself the option to quit, as I stated yesterday. So once I start something this year, I have to follow through and there will be no alternative, even if this means that I am doing the thing at midnight.
Obviously, days leading up to Christmas are always hectic, so I have been to the tip to get rid of a lot of stuff we've found we don't want (having cleaned the house), ironed a lot of clothes and wrapped a lot of presents. Exercise doesn't have to be running or the gym when you first get back into it: you simply have to ensure that you are not doing nothing.
During this holiday period, I am trying not to over indulge, eating or drinking too much, and so far I am succeeding...but only just. I am enjoying myself, and I realise that this will make the amount of time and effort to get rid of it all the longer and harder, but I am prepared for that in the hope that next year will be a much better year. However, knowing that at least the first two weeks of school are going to be a mix of school and home learning will make the beginning of the new year a little more stressful than it normally would be. Add to that the fact that my school will become a makeshift covid testing centre for the foreseeable future, and the stress levels will be high. This is something that I have to watch out for and something I identified as a trigger for my eating and drinking, so I will have to be doubly careful.
I haven't done much research today, but I am spending more time with my family, so I am ok with that and I don't want to do too much, as I am trying to have a rest as well as get back on the 'healthy eating and exercising game. I intend to read some more Dickens tonight, although I will admit that Martin Chuzzlewit is not Dickens' best work and I am struggling to bond with the main character.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and I am looking forward to relaxing, going for a walk, I will be doing a little more research or reading around healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle and I will share any info I garner on here. But until then, I hope that you have a great evening and that you are enjoying the holidays in a safe way.
Until tomorrow, Merry Christmas and a happy holidays.
Thanks for reading.