Where does time go. It only seems like 756 days have gone in January. And why does January feel like the longest month of the year?
Today, on the 1st of February, I have cleaned the house again, eaten, been to watch my beloved Leicester City and get annoyed that we didnt beat them. I had 3 pints, but I didn't mind as it was worth it.
I have also done fewer steps than normal, about 9,000, but I have lost 3lbs since last week and my trousers aren't as tight as they normally are, so I feel like I am doing well. I am learning to regulate what I eat and feel like I am doing well on the exercise front, incorporating it into my daily routine.
It's becoming easier to say no to things I know aren't good for me and I have more energy. So by and large I am feeling like things are looking up.
However, I do know that once I start losing weight, there is a temptation for complacency to creep in and my old habit begin to resurface. This is something I will have to watch out for. It's happened in the past and, hopefully, I'm prepared for it this time.
I'm doing the next stage of couch to 5k tomorrow, so that should bolster my exercise for the week. I know this is a short one, but it is a happy one.
Thanks for reading.
Stay strong. Stay honest.