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Day 265: Not So Fast.

This morning, when I climbed out of bed for my run, it felt like I had had about 20 minutes sleep altogether during the night.I had been to the toilet multiple times; I had lain awake ruminating over work and marking and literacy; I had been thinking about the housework and decorating that had to be done and, before I knew it, my alarm was going off. To say a groan escaped my lips would be a slight under-exaggeration.

Al; the way through the run my mind was screaming at me to stop, that I could not do three mies this morning, but I continued to dismiss it as in irrelevant thought. So in response my body sided with my mind and worked together to stop me. Now in my youth I used to run a lot and made a lot of errors, with running to late at night, ignoring muscles that are telling me to stop, continuing through pain...all resulting in larger injuries and time off. As I came to the three-quarter mark of my run, my thigh suddenly decided to twinge, so running the last quarter was slower and slightly painful, but it did do the job of making me realise that three miles this morning was going to be impossible.

I was disappointed and I did curse myself, but I also knew better than not to listen to my body. Not listening to it can lead to longer time off than you normally would do...and I am determined to finish this month having run at least two miles every single day. I have also eaten well today and walked over 16,000 steps, so it isn't as if I have slacked over the day or given myself the day off. I will try again tomorrow to pick up a 3 mile run but I also have to remember that most runners give themselves some time off. This is something I will do in 8 days time.

My day has been the same exhausting day it has been since the beginning of school, I feel like I have been working non-stop for 16 weeks - I am full term tired and I am not even a quarter pf the way through a term yet! But, tomorrow is another day and I do have a lot of time to sleep tonight and, with the way I have been closing my eyes all day, I know that I will get to sleep tonight.

Therefore, until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.

Thanks for reading.


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