Yesterday I was talking about how great it was when you go from having a day feeling awful and demotivated, to a day where everything seems to slip neatly into place and you feel great and are doing everything you need in order to complete your journey. Today has been the opposite.
Apart from running extremely slowly this morning because I was so tired - I expect I overdid it yesterday - when I got back my cough and blocked nose seemed to come back with a vengeance. I also seem to have a lot of phlegm in my throat that I just can't seem to clear. On top of that I am back to feeling knackered, but on the plus side, it is Friday and I have a whole weekend to recover. Thank god for that!
Although this is only a very short reflection today, doing it certainly makes you think about how your day has gone and whether you have been sticking to your plan. I'm about 50/50 today. I have had a couple of beers and I have also had a chocolate bar, but mainly I have stuck to my plan and tried to make sure that I am walking a lot and doing my running.
I do know that I am looking forward to my bed (at 8.45 on a Friday, I am SO rock and roll!) and reading for a while. Just to let myself slip into darkness, knowing that I can have a lie in is nothing short of ecstasy at the moment. Having said that, Sod's law will inevitably ensure that I am awake and up by 5! Still, at least I know that I can simply stay in bed and read or relax - I don't have to get up and go to work.
Next week I am going to be strict with myself both in terms of exercise and in terms of eating and work. I want to get a lot done next week so that I everything is sorted in time for half term. I am hoping that we won't go into lockdown again next week, when the government review Leicester and Blaby again. That would be harsh. Already the school I work at is in an area of lockdown, so facemarks are now compulsory. Here's to another week. Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.