Isn't it weird how you can feel completely and utterly awful one day and the next day almost back to normal? That has happened to me today. Although I still have a bit of a sniffle and the last remnants of a cold, I feel much less exhausted and far more ready to take on my journey than I have done for the last two weeks, during the build up and eventual full on crash of my cold.
I have managed to continue my runs despite almost sheer exhaustion at times, and I have managed to complete a whole week at school, despite wanting, quite often, to simply stay in bed and feel very sorry for myself. However, I am not really that type of person, so that would always be out of the question. I have also managed to keep up with my eating healthily, although there have been a few slip ups along the way, I have still managed to mainly stay within calories for the day. I am a little concerned about the amount of carbs in my diet at the moment...but one step at a time I think.
Today started off as normal with a two mile run in one of my fastest time so far. I will admit to being a little peeved that I didn't break my personal best because I thought I had run quite fast. Obviously the first part of my run wasn't fast enough and, I will also admit, that I am still not completely over my cold. I did do it in just under 20 minutes though, so I am quite chuffed with that.
Additionally, I have walked 14,000 steps, not eaten crap today apart from a chocolate bar this evening and I have completed all the work I want to do and it is still only 8.36pm...a record for me. So for once I can relax and think about reading for the evening, knowing that I can go to bed as early as I want! Now how early is too early?
I have three more days of running two miles a day before I up my distance to 3 miles a day for the remaining 10 days of September. I am hoping that this will really kick my weightless into gear and I can go to Turkey in October with a thinner stomach line than I have at the moment and that I can wear shorts instead of a bikini because my man boos have shrunk! I can only hope.
Let's hope that tomorrow is equally as good and that the last remnants of this cold are finally kicked into touch whilst I sleep...a lot! Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.