Today started off well...I actually managed to get up at the right time and go for a run. Unfortunately, it was absolutely throwing it down this morning and, as I am going to be running 2 miles a day (or maybe more) for Cancer research, I thought I needed to go out and run whatever the weather. And to be honest, I actually enjoyed the run. Fair enough, it was very dark because of the clouds and there were a ton of puddles which I continuously ran through; and fair enough, my trainers and top are still wet - but it was worth it. I have also done my second TBP video of the week, which I did as soon as I got back. I love the motivation of the first few days of really getting back into the journey. I also forgot how great an endorphin surge is!
School today was a drag, with lots of confusing information and also a few laughs, which is always good. I have managed to do a lot of work and talk to my work friends and, after being away from them for such a long time, has been good to catch up. I will admit that the normal opening days cake has been on offer and I have had one each day... but this has not made me go over my allotted calories and I have normally had a few to spare at the end of each day. Tomorrow is my flux day, which is good, because I am going to the pub for dinner to say goodbye to a friend at school, so will be eating a few more calories than normal. To compensate for this, I am going to run two miles tomorrow morning and also do an extra workout in the afternoon when I get back, that way the food can help repair my muscles.
I am really enjoying my breakfast at the minute. I have a protein yoghurt and some grapes, which may sound not an awful lot, but it does fill me up and usually I don't need to eat then until about midday. My lunch has been, for the last two days, a tuna, cucumber and tomato wholemeal Pitts, a banana and an apple and this has also been very nice. Although, to be honest, the tuna does tend to make the pitta a little soggy by the time I eat it. Tomorrow's lunch is a chorizo, mushroom and onion omelette, which is one of my favourites. I will also have my banana and apple. I have been a little over on my carbs so far this week, so hopefully I will be able to bring this back with the loss of the pitta in exchange for eggs. I also wanted to exchange it for that because I knew I would probably be having carbs tomorrow evening at the pub.
I am limiting myself tomorrow to two glasses of wine with my dinner and I am going to try and eat as healthily as I can...maybe a steak salad, which is always lovely from the place we are going to. It will be nice to say goodbye, as he obviously hasn't been in school, having left at the end of term during lockdown.
I am really happy that I am keeping up with my workouts and runs, and also that I have the two mile runs everyday to help me motivate myself to keep exercising. So far I have raised about £200, but I am hoping to raise as much as I can. If you fancy donating, the link is https://www.facebook.com/sean.p.mackay/posts/2745360665563444?comment_id=2746999088732935¬if_id=1598340123537481¬if_t=feed_comment&ref=notif
So tomorrow is another day, starting with a run and ending with saying goodbye to a good friend. I hope that your journey is continuing apace and that you are still going despite setbacks and falls. I will continue and always bounce back.
Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.