Today has been busy.
Up at 4.30 as usual, breakfast of porridge. Steak bake for lunch (at break time). Pie for dinner because I went to see my beloved Leicester thrash West Ham. Just got in. So as you may guess, I am exceptionally tired.
I do like busy days, they keep your mind off food and keep you exercising without actually realising that you are exercising. In fact, I've done 22,203 steps today, my best for ages. Age is catching up with me though because my knee hurts, but it's a price I can pay to be healthier.
Well that's it. I am exhausted and I have to be up again at 4.30, so I may do an early one tomorrow where I actually do talk to you about David Goggins as I said I would today.
It's been a great day and I feel good! I hope you do too.
Thanks for taking two minutes to read this one.
Stay strong.