Over the last 4 or 5 weeks I have been really trying to get into the habit of exercising as much as possible. I have made sure that I have been up early and done the exercise I wanted to do right away, at the start of the day. There was a very valid reason behind this, well, a number of reasons really. Firstly I wanted to start the day the way I meant to go on. If I started it with exercises then I would continue to work hard and raise my heart rate and, generally, this has happened.
Next I wanted to make sure that I had done something before the day began that would raise my heart rate, give me a shot of endorphins right at the start of my day and hopefully this would carry me through the day and, again, this has generally been the case. Finally, I wanted to energise my day and, by exercising first thing, this is what I am doing. Since I have been doing the exercises I have always felt energised and raring to go throughout the day and, until recently, have not had an energy wane in the afternoon, which is what normally happened to me. I don't know why it has happened the past couple of days, but I am sure that it will go once I have a decent night's sleep.
To start off, I tried Joe Wicks PE. As a teacher I thought I'd find out what all the fuss was about and what sort of things my students may be doing (but let's face it, they're really not) in terms of exercise, other than exercising their thumbs. So I began doing the Job Wicks PE, which you can access here. It is really fun and, if you can get past his voice and the fact that it is pretty hard if you are beginning, then he has some other great videos on his site. If you are a complete beginner I wouldn't recommend it though.
Because Joe Wick's voice grated on me, I instead searched for something easier and less annoying and I cam across Team Body Project. The first video I did lasted about 20 minutes (minus the warm ups and warm downs) and was very gentle. The whole emphasis is that you go at your own pace and are always told to slow down or speed up depending on what level you are at. This hooked me straight away because, not only is the presenter, Daniel, very good and motivating, but most of the videos include actual people. The first one I did, the beginner class, is here. I then moved on to something more strenuous and for a longer period and that one was here, before moving on to a the one I have currently been doing for the last couple of weeks, and this can be accessed here.
Obviously there are a lot of workout videos out there and some of you will go out jogging and running and have a home gym. I don't have those and, with the current climate, working out to a video is a really good and sensible option, especially for those with bad joints (all the ones I have shared are low impact). I will go back to the gym once it opens again, but I will also keep going on the morning workouts and try and continue my walks and cleaning and jobs around the house to maintain my exercising throughout the day. There are so many ways that you can do it without having to go to the gym that there really is no excuse. That's what I tell myself, anyway.
I have had a lot of fun exercising by gardening and cleaning the house recently and I know that I will find other ways to exercise as the lockdown continues. I am loving the energy boost and the endorphin release it gives me and there is nothing like a shower after you've been really sweating. So no matter what time of the day you decide to do it, whether it's early morning or afternoon or night, find something to do that will raise your heart rate and really get you energised and ready to face a day of being healthier, fitter and leaner.
Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.