A short blog today as I have left it a little late.
I was back on it today and have enjoyed the exercises and the walking and the cleaning and the day as a whole. Each part of the day has been filled with some form of healthiness and those are the days that I really enjoy. There have also been cravings that I have resisted through talking to myself through them and through keeping myself busy. Resistance to crap does feel like it is getting easier. For instance, in the fridge at the moment is cream and jam and in the cupboard there are scones. These are all left over from Saturday and I haven't touched them (although to be fair I have thought about them a lot).
As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, I have stuck to the 40 minutes Team Body Project workout and will continue to stick to them for the rest of this week before moving on to a different one. I am sure that there are lots of Team Body Project workouts that I can try for free without signing up to their plans. Healthier for my pocket!
I have also cleared the ironing pile (which takes up a lot of steps, amazingly enough) and I also cleaned our bedroom from top to bottom, which was surprisingly dusty and a lot of polish was used. The good thing about having a smart watch is that it also tells you how high your heart rate is going and, because of this, I know that I was in the fat burning zone for quite a while this afternoon whilst doing it.
Watering the garden takes about 20 cans of water in the watering can, so there again I use a lot of steps walking to and from the tap to fill it up and walk back to water the plants. The good thing about this, apart from the steps and getting you outside the house, is that you can see the plants and flowers growing and you can see the garden you wanted come to fruition.
We also walked around Thornton Reservoir this afternoon and that also clocked up a lot of steps and was also a very beautiful walk. We haven't been for a long time and this made it all the more amazing to finally be able to go back...and on such a lovely day. This has all taken my total step count for the day to 15,300. A very good total considering the other things I have done during the day. This all helps to keep me motivated as I can see the energy I have compared to when I was a lot heavier.
I'll have to see if I can keep this up once work returns to normal...but that is a while away yet. So I have time to make it into a habit and therefore will be more likely to stick to it.
Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.