Never have I learned something and then forgotten it without having forgotten it.
A few days ago I went without food for well over 6 hours and, because of this, went on a mini eating binge, and consumed alcohol. But it didn't matter, it was a campaign and I had learnt not to go for such a long period of time without eating, because now I knew what would happen.
Cue a few days later...today to be frank. Yet again, I had my breakfast - two lovely rounds of seeded wholemeal toast with butter - and then nothing until 2pm. And what happened at 2pm (You already know...don't you?)? That's right...there were cream cakes to celebrate a colleague's birthday sitting in the fridge. I had already eaten one that she had graciously brought up to my classroom (lunchtime intervention with the year 11s went on for the whole of lunch) and then I had another whilst grabbing a coffee before the last lesson of the day.
Believe me, I could have eaten the other 6 that were in the fridge, staring at me and taunting me, trying to force me to eat them. But after two, I realised what I had done and was in the course of doing and stopped. It took A LOT of willpower to stop. That threw me off.
Finishing the day, I arrived home and, instead of getting on with things and racking up the exercise through work, I sat and played on my phone and drank a can of stout (5.7 ABV: so calories). All this because my defences were low as I was hungry without knowing I was hungry. My wife was home late, so I was also tempted to ring and ask if she wanted a takeaway tonight instead of the jacket spuds.
Thankfully, I recovered quickly and put the spuds in the oven, chopped up the salad and set out the plates ready for dinner.
You already know the moral to this tale. In future, I am going to take my lunch into my classroom so that there is something there to eat if I need to during the day. I need to stop myself from going hours without food, as it will quickly lead to eating all the wrong foods and giving in quicker to cravings. This is a learning curve, I've only been doing this for 15 days, but I will get there in the end. Besides, this other slight fail has reinforced the lesson I thought I had learnt.
I've also decided to do the breakfast blog on Saturday, when I have time. Weekdays are hard because of the marking and planning I have to do, so blogging takes second fiddle, although I will always do it, as it is an excellent way of reflecting on my day, my eating and my learning.
On a plus, I have done 15,119 steps today, so that reduces the guilt I have felt today for the small fail. Here's to another day of the campaign, hopefully another won battle and another day closer to my goal (11 stone 0lb).
Thanks for reading.
Stay Strong.