Saturday is my day off. It's my day off from work, my day off from counting calories and my day off from not exercising in the morning. I have thoroughly enjoyed today, especially the not thinking about anything.
However, that isn't the case. Throughout the day I have felt guilty every time southing I wouldn't normally eat goes into my mouth. Every time the calorie count went up I felt even worse. It's as if I can't actually enjoy the things I used to as much as I used to. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I know that I am going to go way over budget in terms of calories today, and today I am ok with that. But next week...will I be the same?
My day off is, in a way, turning into a 'eat as much as you can' day, without moderation and without limits and I think that this is simply not good for my healthy lifestyle or for my physical and mental health. I want the Saturday off, but I don't, now, want of completely off. Instead, I think I may simply up my calorie limit: maybe up it as much as I would normally take off, so add 500 to my maintain calorie count and stick to that. This way I am absolutely having the day off, but in a more controlled sense. If I eat a little less than that or a little more than that (a few calories) then that should be ok and the feeling of guilt can be assuaged and the pleasure intensified. It also gives my body the day off and I can relax a little more.
I had my battle with the scales today and I conquered them. Last week I lost a pound, so I am now 12 stone 9. That's a pound closer to my target weight and another week gone. I am really enjoying this now and I think that that feeling, in part, is one of the reasons why I want to not go entirely 'all out' each Saturday...I don't want to ruin all the good work I do during the week in one day.
My wife has been much more reserved than I have and much more controlled about what she has eaten and what she has drunk, and I am taking a leaf from her book. We also walked for a number of miles along the top of Croft Hill today and the views were spectacular (see pic at start). I love walking there and it is a place I would recommend if ever you come to Leicester.
Now I am going to relax and watch a film with the wife. An absolute luxury!
Therefore, until tomorrow...
Stay safe and stay strong.
Thanks for reading.