Today I went in to school and looked after the kids of key workers. I was in later than I normally would be and so therefore had time to do my exercises before I started. The one I have chosen is about 40 minutes in length and encompasses a lot of different exercises, from straight punches to burpees. There routine itself is really fun and the chemistry between the two presenters is really good (which you would expect considering they are husband and wife). It normally raises my heart rate to about a maximum of about 170ish, so I am almost at my max heart rate some of the time. Thankfully most of the time I am in the fat burning heart rate zone, so I am happy that I am losing weight whilst I am doing the exercises.
In school we were walking around a lot trying to get the children who were in to do the work which had been set on the hone learning site Show My Homework. Lots of them had done very little and so it was our job to push them to catch up, something that will also be done once the students come back full time. It was really nice to see people I usually work with and to talk to someone outside of my immediate family, although I still firmly believe that bringing schoolchildren back now will create a second wave. But I am not in charge of this so we will have to wait and see.
I didn't go for a long walk today as it has been very hot here in Leicester and I was sweating only moments into the walk. We took an urban route today and looked at different houses that populate our estate and those that surround us. Some of them are very beautiful houses, some are very expensive houses, some are ex council houses but still beautifully maintained, and some are not very well maintained.
In order to stop ourselves from noticing the quite stringent pace we have set ourselves we normally end up talking a lot about the kind of houses and countryside we pass, talking for especially long periods of time about front doors. I do not know why we talk about such a weird topic, but whenever we pass a house that has a front door that one of us likes, we comment and discuss whether or not it would look good on our house. This takes our mind off the pace, as I said, and before you know it we have walked for about an hour and start to head back to the house.
Some of the countryside we pass is also amazingly beautiful and this also helps to pass the time. mainly though, we talk about school and how this new healthy lifestlyle will fit in around the amount of work we will have to do when we go back full time, but also around the new normal of washing our clothes as soon as we get in, washing hands and essentially making sure that we don't pass on this disease, should we contract it, to our children...especially my daughter who is shielding at the moment. It is always a concern and it is something that needs our constant attention.
Thankfully though, as I said, the School day was nice and warm and I managed to walk about 8000 steps whilst in there and I added to that when we walked. I am about 200 off 14,000 steps, so I should reach the milestone before I go to bed tonight and therefore I will have reached that goal on more occasions than I have missed it recently.
I finished the day by having a nice cool drink in the back garden and am now going to relax and look forward to tomorrow. There are always so many positives during the day that sometimes it's hard to find the time to show my gratitude for all the things I have seen and felt and the people I have talked to and who are in my life. I am certainly grateful for my continued motivation to stick to my daily calorie intake and I am also grateful for exercise videos that have really helped me to lose weight and look forward to getting up each day. I am also grateful, though, for my warm, soft, comfortable sofa, which I am about to sit in and rest with a cup of tea and a good book.
Goodness me I am the king of rock and roll!
Until tomorrow, stay safe and stay strong.
Thanks for reading.