This week, as part of a way to keep ourselves entertained and to keep the kids a little more quiet and on our side, we have had a family bake off. It started with me on Friday and I made scones, with jam and cream. Saturday was the turn of my step son, and he baked a cherry pie; Sunday was the turn of my youngest step daughter and she baked chocolate macaroons; today was the turn of my middle step daughter and she baked a Kinder Bueno cheesecake. All were delicious and all had an amazing amount of calories in them. Don't get me wrong, it has been worth every bite and I have managed to moderate the portions I ate. Normally I would munch those tasty treats until there were none left, but each time I have stuck to either one (in the case of the macaroons and the scones) or a very thin slice of the Bueno cheesecake.
I have had to take care not to overeat during the day because we are all grading each other /10 for our baking prowess as they normally come with a lot of calories. I have not minded as it means that I can look forward to a treat in the evening, even though I wish they would cook something that isn't chocolate, as I am not a great chocolate fan (savoury is my thing). It has kept our younger members of the household entertained and it has also given people something to focus on. Fair enough, they don't clean up their mess as well as I would like, but the end product and everyone joining in has made this a great way to keep their mental health good. A little bit of friendly competition and everyone giving praise where it is due.
During the day I have managed a whopping 17, 984 steps as I write this and the walk we had was lovely. The air, at the moment, seems close and electric, so I am presuming that we will have a storm at some point I the future and I am really looking forward to it if we do. I absolutely love storms and love watching them and listening to them. Sometimes I listen to a recording of a storm in order to go to sleep, or watch one in the dark on the TV, even then it creates an atmosphere and helps me to find the peace I need to sleep. We walked for just over an hour, taking in the sights of the countryside as well as some city and village views. The other great thing was that there were a lot of hills, so we managed to raise our heart rates enough to get a good solid bit of exercise.
The majority of the day has been stuck behind a computer setting home learning for the students who are at home and marking and feeding back to those that have uploaded their work. It is time consuming but worth it for those kids that are doing it. I am also making sure that the literacy lessons are up to scratch, ready for September when (or if) we start the new year. Additionally I am also writing a knowledge organiser for Macbeth and writing a scheme of work for Shakespeare's language. I am also trying to fit in reading, learning, writing and other bits and pieces. I am keeping myself pretty busy.
This morning I changed my workout for a harder one to make sure that I am continuously losing weight and that I don't plateau by doing the same exercises time and time again. It also makes it exciting and different to change and do something different from week to week. I think that I may keep this one going for a couple of weeks before I change again. In this one they do Burpees, which are very, very hard, especially towards the end of the workout.
So today has been a really good day and; although I am a little over the 1680 calories I am allowed during the day ( I have consumed 1709) I have still managed to exercise to the tune of 546 calories, so that should take some of the edge off. I still, sometimes, look at myself and have a twinge of sadness that my gut still hangs over my trousers and I still look like I have a bra, but these are becoming more and more infrequent and I am finally beginning to convince myself of the long term battle rather than the short term. I know that they will go, and I know that it will take time, but sometimes I want them simply to be gone now...but I have to remain patient. A healthy lifestyle is within reach and I am going to do it.
I have a few more things left tonight to do before I go to bed for the evening to make sure that my healthy lifestyle is in full swing, and that my good habits are taken care of, but that should not take me too long and then I can go and relax and read for the evening.
So what am I grateful for today? I am certainly grateful for the people who read this and hopefully get something from it; I am grateful for the little ways in which our family is coming together and helping each other out in these crazy times; I am grateful for the walks I have every night and that they are keeping me sane. Finally I am simply grateful for my health and that each day I get a little healthier.
Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.