Today we lost our beloved cat Millie. It was a shock and it saddened us all. We found her this morning. She had had, though, a very good innings as she was 19years old.
Some people may think that losing a cat isn't the same as losing a dog, as cats are more independent and they are a law unto themselves. However, Millie was such a loving cat and friendly always loved to be fussed. Over the past year her life was simply eat and sleep, and she was happy with that, it was probably why she had lived for so long. I'd only known Millie for about 7 years but my wife had had her since she was a kitten, 6 weeks old. She was devastated.
I had the task of clearing out her bed and litter tray and digging a hole in which to bury her. We all said our favourite time with our beloved cat before we filled in the hole and said goodbye. It was hard work and sad work but it helped to have something to focus on. I do miss her and she has left a hole in our lives, but. have great memories of her and she will live on in her hearts.
On the positives, I have done almost 20,000 steps today, exercises as well as digging a hole. I have worked hard and completed all my habit tasks today but mainly I have been trying to be positive on a day that has been very hard. I am sorry that this is only a short post tonight, but despite events I still need to make sure I reflect on my journey so that I am still motivated. I have had a whisky tonight and toasted the life of our cat.
Until tomorrow, stay safe and stay strong.
thanks for reading.
I came across your post via the NHS health website and could not help but read your post on your beautiful Millie. How very sad I am for you all, it is such a devastating time, they are our family, albeit four legged and with fur, but they are so similar to us in many ways, even though they can't communicate verbally -they do in other ways and that should never be underestimated or seen as being less important. I lost one of my cats some years ago and like you I was devastated, heartbroken, my world and home was empty without her. So I understand completely how you feel. Cats are not aloof or distant, they react to how…