Today's photo is from the Isle of Skye, taken last year on my holiday.
It seems I am writing this reflection later and later every day because I seem to be doing more and more. The early evening, which is when I usually sit down and write this, is being taken up more and more by the every day mundane things that I don't get chance to do during the day. For instance this evening I have been ironing solidly for a couple of hours and have just finished. Now I am trying to reflect on my day whilst having a conversation with the wife. It doesn't seem so long ago that I was reflecting on much time I have if I put my mind to it and now I'm complaining about not having enough. Go figure.
So now I have to start forgetting about today, it's past, and instead concentrate upon the week ahead. I know I'm in school at least one day next week and I have to get the gcse grades ready by Friday so that they can be run through by senior management and I also have coursework grades that have to be completed by the end of the day tomorrow. It feels weird and a little disconcerting that I am essentially giving my students gcse grades and trying to be as fair and honest as I can. It's like being on a diet, its hard and the work kills but it's worth it in the end.
I have, this evening, also put a habit app on my new phone to track myself and see when I do and do not do the things I am telling myself I am doing...if that makes sense? I can then look at what I am doing and what I am not doing over a number of weeks and see if that helps me to understand where my shortfalls are.
We are also this week starting the process of bot buying snacks and unhealthy foods when we go shopping making sure that what we have in the cupboards is always going to be good for us and the children. This way we don't have the temptations whilst we form healthy habits. I thought I could do it without having to stop buying crap...I was wrong.
So now I am looking forward to the new week ahead with vigour and motivation. There is lots to do and lots to get through but I know I can do it and I am looking forward to it. I am grateful for full days, because there is always a sense of accomplishment at the end of them.
Therefore, until tomorrow...
Stay safe and stay strong.
Thanks for reading.