A very short blog today as I have been very busy and still have a lot of things to do before I go to bed. I just wanted to reflect on the week, as today was the weigh in day.
To be fair, having not had a very good night's sleep, waking up several times and generally being fitful in the sleep I got, I was not looking forward to weighing myself. A number of thought had been going through my he'd overnight - what would happen if I hadn't lost weight during the week? What if all that extra effort hadn't paid off?
So standing before the scales at 6 this morning, I was obviously afraid to step on to them but I knew that I had to. All the things I had done during the week had to have paid off and I would hopefully be able to use this as a means to getting back on track. And it did.
From Saturday last week I have, as of today, lost 5lbs. I am now back to where I was three weeks ago, at 13 stone 0lbs. This means that, if I continue the way I have been this week, I shallop be into the 12 stone category, the first of my goals. After that it is to get below 12 into the 11 stone category and than finally into the 10 and a half stone goal weight. At that point it will then be time to start building my strength, weights, sit ups, high intensity, high impact.
But I am running ahead of myself again and getting into dreamland, running before I can walk: I must avoid this. I have lost a lot this week but it will slow and become steady again, although I do think I can keep this up until I have lost the weight I need to and then continue my healthier lifestyle. One thing this has taught me is that doing this has boosted my motivation and made me want to carry on.
So hopefully this will continue, as I extend my seven day challenge to a fourteen day challenge and see what will happen next week.
This week I have been grateful for the motivation to carry on even though I have wanted to stop. I am also grateful for the scales that have made me very happy today. Finally I am grateful for the healthier lifestyle I am living, as It has made me feel a lot better than I normally do.
Until tomorrow, stay safe and stay strong.
Thanks for reading.