Well, it's day 11. Normally I'd have quit by now because I'd eaten things I shouldn't or drank things I said I wouldn't. I'd have said, "I've eaten loads and drank loads, I may as well quit."
But not this time.
This time I made sure my mindset and the little voice in my head wasn't going to stop me. This time I was telling myself that I will eat healthily, it's not a diet, it's a choice to be healthier.
Today has been relaxing, recuperating from football yesterday. I've only done 6000 steps, but sometimes you need a day off and time to reflect and relax. It helps you cope during a hectic week to have some time to yourself.
So what is the moral? Don't think of what you are doing as a diet, see it as a choice to change from an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one. That means you choose to eat the healthy things and exercise and sometimes you eat things you shouldn't, but you don't binge and you moderate.
Thanks for reading.
Stay strong.