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Day 106: Positives 2.


A short one this evening as I have left it late and am trying to spend some time with my wife this evening.

My accomplishments for the day are that I have, with my wife, made a plant/flower holder from decking and odd pieces of wood. It isn't finished, as it needs undercoat and painting, but it looks good and I am proud of it. Sometimes finding something new to do helps with the monotony of lockdown and this was certainly something I had never tried before.

Second accomplishment is ensuring that I exercised for the fifth time this a row! It's been very hard at times, getting up when I know that I don't have to and I can lie in bed until whenever I want to. Instead I have been getting up at 7am and doing the half an hour workout and 5 minutes worth of stretches at the end to ensure I am doing something to raise my heart rate and keep on that journey to the weight I want and the healthy lifestyle I have promised myself. In fact, because of this I find myself, more and more, wanting to do more, to go that extra mile.

The one set back today is that I had a takeaway tonight. We had forgotten to make the dinner so took the easy route...but once in a while isn't going to hurt and I'll be back on it again tomorrow.

Another accomplishment is that I sat and wrote for an hour during the day and started another piece of writing too. Maybe I should stick to one though, instead of starting another and another etc. If it's the one fatal flaw I have it's impatience, although I have had to reign that in with my journey as I know that it will take a while and I need to be patient or I will stop.

Finally, the things I am grateful for today. I am grateful, firstly, for new skills. It is a real plus point when you do something you have never done before. I am also grateful for coats, this is because it has begun to be chilly again, and without my trusty coat today I would have been very cold indeed on my walk. Lastly, I am grateful for my sense of self, that I know who I am and that is helping me to stay on my journey. In. fact, saying that, I am also grateful for all the support I have had over the last 100 days or so from the amazing people on, who have always been there with a word here, a whole page there or even maybe just a like or a hello. I think you're all great!

So until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.

Thanks for reading.




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