Two things I have learnt today.
Firstly, I have learnt that I'd got in to the habit of having beer and fast food on a friday. It is something that I really wanted, to sit down on a friday, no work for two days, I'm exhausted...just have a few beers and a takeaway.
Then I caught myself. It's so hard to slip in to habits so that certain days trigger impulses to do as normal, to eat the same and drink the same as you do every specific day. I have to watch Fridays, be on my guard against my craving for lots of junk food and lots of beer.
Instead we ate at the sister in law's house and had mince wraps and, although I had one beer, I stopped there and had tea for the rest of the night.
Secondly, I learnt that, at 46 and fat, I should not go 100% in to an hour and 45 minutes of indoor football when I havent exercised for a long time. My legs are aching and my stomach is hurting. If you're going to do exercise, aim at your level, not as if youre 22 again and fighting fit.
I'm just going to nurse my wounds and have a nice lie in tomorrow.
Thanks for reading.
Stay strong.