Only a couple of paragraphs tonight in reflection as, yet again, I have left it late and I want to go and get some rest after having worked hard all day. I haven't managed that many steps today, only 8606. I have run my two miles and I have written a whole action plan for literacy across the curriculum, which took me about 12 hours. And the best part is that it still isn't finished. Whoopee!
So tomorrow I have to be back on the good food wagon and not fall off. I have had a couple of beers and I have had a Macdonalds tonight (Why? I hate it). Although I have beaten myself up about this, I also understand that I have to look forward and make sure that this sort of thing isn't happening by taking control of those things that I have control of, and what I eat and what I choose to put into my body is certainly one of those things. As is the amount of exercise I do.
I have to keep a balance so that I am losing fat and not muscle, so I need to make sure that I am eating, but I also have to ensure that I am eating the right things. Although I have a number of carbs tomorrow, I will be offsetting that with a good amount of protein and a good amount of good fats. I want to get back on it so badly and I have a holiday in Turkey to aim to get rid of as much fat as possible by the time I go.
I am going to up my running to 3 miles a day from tomorrow, I am not really pushing myself on two miles a day anymore and it is not really that taxing. So by upping my running and adding some resistance training to my day, I am hoping that the increased muscle will help to eat even more calories during my day.
So that has been my day. it's been both good and bad, but that has been me of late. hopefully a more positive day tomorrow and then weigh and measure on Saturday to see how much good it has done me. Until tomorrow, stay strong and stay safe.
Thanks for reading.